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11. Newsletter 30th June 2024

Dear all, As we reach the end of this academic year, it is with a mixture of pride and bittersweet emotions that we say goodbye …

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10. Newsletter 24 May 2024

Our Year 6 have spent several weeks completing their final preparations in the lead-up to their SATs. Staff have been working hard to identify any …

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9. Newsletter 30th May 2024

Dear all, Attendance is a huge focus within Education at present and is a key driver for the current Government. As such, Attendance Policies across …

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8. Newsletter 20th March 2024

Dear all, Looking outside today as I write this, it feels like Spring! I always find January and February hard after the Festive period and …

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7. Newsletter 29th February 2024

In this world, recommendations wield an immense power that often goes unnoticed. Whether it’s a friend suggesting a new restaurant, a colleague recommending a book …

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6 Newsletter 29th January 2024

It has been great to see all the children jump straight back into Spring term. I have loved talking to them about their new topics …

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