Online Safety Statement
Embrace Multi Academy Trust takes a holistic approach to online safety. By ensuring that we utilise the latest technology to help us identify areas of concern and educating all young people about the safe use of online platforms, we strive to ensure that all pupils are not only safe within school, but have the knowledge and skills to navigate online risks outside of the school environment.
Internet connections at our school are filtered using the cloud-based Securly platform, ensuring that internet access is both filtered and monitored no matter what devices are used.
Pupil activity on devices within the school is also monitored using one of the leading cloud solutions, Classroom.Cloud by Netsupport. This safeguarding and monitoring software helps to proactively identify any areas of concern and ensure pupil safety and welfare is monitored at all times. Alerts proactively notify staff should a pupil be in crisis and our Online Response Team and Designated Safeguarding Leads are quick to provide the support necessary.
Online safety is covered extensively throughout our curriculum, both discreetly in the curriculum for IT and PSHCE, as well as being a regular topic for discussion in all curriculum areas.
On occasion your child may receive electronic communication from staff members via TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars)
If you have any concerns over electronic communication on any of these platforms, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school on