Principles of Assessment at St Peter’s C of E Primary School

Within all our work on assessment we are guided by these principles:


Our Approach to Assessment

Children’s ongoing progress will be assessed and formally recorded at three points in the year in relation to the expectations for their year group as detailed in the National Curriculum. These assessment points are end of Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. We use a system for assessing called Target Tracker, which monitors the steps each child makes over an academic year. The

The majority of pupils will progress through the curriculum content at the same pace with the expectation that most achieve the ‘secure’ standard for their age group by the end of the year.


As a school, we follow the Read Write Inc. phonics programme. This teaches and builds on phonics knowledge from EYFS through to the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1. Some children may continue to be taught phonics in Year 2 and beyond if this is needed. Phonics is taught daily in differentiated groupings by trained members of staff. Phonics screening checks are completed in Autumn, Spring and Summer to monitor progress, and allow for interventions to be planned.


Year 2 and 6

At the end of Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, pupils are updated on Target Tracker. These steps are decided based on 4 assessment points in October, December, February and April where children complete previous SATs papers. All children in these year groups that meet the entry criteria will also complete the statutory assessments in May.


Year 1, 3, 4 and 5

At the end of Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, pupils will be assessed using HeadStart test materials. The results of these are then triangulated with teacher judgement and work produced in lessons over the term. From this, teachers will then give a judgement on their current ‘step’ and input this in to Target Tracker. Alongside these summative assessment, teachers will then complete a Question Level Analysis of the test materials and use this to inform whole class teaching, interventions and small group work with themselves or other trained adults within the school. All the data generated from these are reported back to Embrace Academy Trust where they are used to compare St Peter’s with other primary schools within the academy.


No More Marking

As a school and an academy, we also subscribe to No More Marking to further inform and ensure accuracy in our writing assessment. This scheme is a nationwide initiative across thousands of schools to provide comparisons in writing nationwide. Each year group in school completes an assessment once each year, and these results help assessment in Writing, and also allows for more precise interventions for pupils.


Assessment Criteria

The links below provide information on the year group objectives children will be assessed against in English and Maths. These are presented as year group expectations. Some children may be working on objectives from a year group below their age depending on their Target Tracker assessment level. 

Statutory Assessment in Year 2 and Year 6

The government have released interim assessment frameworks for 2016. The links below provide the criteria for how schools must teacher assess pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 this year.

In addition to teacher assessment, pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 will undertake a range of tests in May.


Year 2

Writing 160.59 KB DownloadPreview
Reading 161.27 KB DownloadPreview
Maths 184.29 KB DownloadPreview

Year 6