Newsletter – January 2
Dear All, Many thanks to everyone who attended our second Open Morning Session, which was focused on Financial maths. The children really enjoyedsharing their learning challenges with family and the…
Dear All, Many thanks to everyone who attended our second Open Morning Session, which was focused on Financial maths. The children really enjoyedsharing their learning challenges with family and the…
Financial Education Vision Statement At St. Peter’s C of E Primary School, we believe that in today’s society it is essential that children are educated and prepared for the financial…
Click here to read Beaumanor Initial letter Sept 19
Dear All, A very warm welcome back and Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all have enjoyed a lovely family Christmas and break. What a fantastic start to…
2018-19 Academic Year Whole Governors Meeting Papers for 20th March meeting: Actions from January meeting Final Minutes FGB meeting 23rd January 2019 Monitoring visit report Jan 2019 English and Maths…