Address: |
Wale Road, Whetstone, Leicester. LE8 6NJ |
Telephone Number: |
0116 2775750 |
Website Address: |
www. |
Age Range: |
Primary, 4 – 11 years old |
Date of Last Inspection: |
12th December 2017 |
Outcome of Last Inspection: |
Requires Improvement |
Percentage of Pupils with Special Educational Needs: |
14% |
Percentage of pupils with Education Health Care Plan: |
2% |
Our School
St Peter’s C.E. (A) Primary school is a mainstream school that is situated in the centre of the village. Our school provides a welcoming and caring ethos based on our strong Christian ethos. We are proud of the quality of education that we provide promotes an inclusive, positive and aspirational approach to learning so that all pupils, regardless of their abilities or disabilities are able We recognise that our children may have a variety of needs and those needs may change and require a range of provision and access to other services.
Some children need increased support to access learning because:
- they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
- they have a specific learning difficulty which can be supported in order to give the child the best possible outcomes in their education
- they have a disability as defined under the Equality Act, which affects their ability to access and benefit from the educational opportunities generally enjoyed by children of the same age.
We welcome the full engagement of parents and carers and where necessary seek support and advice from specialists outside school to ensure we develop and maintain a range of flexible resources to meet the needs of all children.
How do the staff at St Peters know my child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?
We have a number of methods to help us identify if a child needs extra help. These include:
- Information from your child’s pre-school or previous school.
- Class teacher or SENCo visit to feeder pre-school to observe your child and speak to their key worker.
- Information from other services who have worked with your child, for example a Speech and Language Therapist.
- This information will be used to ensure that we meet any additional needs your child may have. Once your child is in school we will monitor their progress and development. If we have concerns we may ask other professionals to give advice and support.
- St Peter’s staff will be aware that a child may have additional needs if they are demonstrating a lack of progress, poor test scores, a change in behaviour or if the child or you, the parent, asks for help.
- If you are concerned about your child’s progress in school then initially please make an appointment with the class teacher, who will know your child well.
- If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed and that your child is still not making progress you should speak to the SENCo, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher
- If you are still not happy you can speak to the school SEND Governor.
SENCo role (Special Educational Needs Coordinator )
Responsible for:
- Co-Ordinating all the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
- Developing and reviewing the SEN policy
- Ensuring that you are:
- involved in supporting your child’s learning
- kept informed about how your child is getting on
- involved in reviewing how they are doing
- Liaising with other people who may be coming into school to help support your child’s learning. E.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology
- Updating the school’s SEND profile (a system for ensuring that all the SEND needs of pupils in this school are known) and making sure that records of your child’s progress and needs are kept
- Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school, so that they can help children with SEND in the school to achieve the best progress possible
SEND Governor
Responsible for:
- Making sure that the necessary support is made for any child at St Peter’s school who has SEND
Classroom teacher (Quality First Teaching)
For your child this means:
- Teachers have high expectation for all pupils in their class.
- Your child is fully involved in learning in class
- Strategies which may have been suggested by other professionals working with your child are in place to support your child to learn
Specific group work intervention
- This could before reading comprehension, maths, writing, spelling or speech and language communication groups
Intervention groups work may be carried out by a teacher, Teaching Assistant or therapist.
How do you identify children with special educational Needs?
- A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision to be made for them. This provision is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. For some children, SEN can be identified at an early age. However, for other children and young people difficulties become evident only as they develop.
- Pupils with Special Educational needs are identified as early as possible.
- The responsibility for the initial identification of a child with Special Educational Needs will usually rest with the class teacher, who through the use of both informal and formal assessments will identify a particular need.
- An initial concerns checklist will then be completed and discussed with parents before it is passed on to the SENCO
- Class teachers make regular assessments of progress for all children identifying in particular where children are making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances.
- Where a child’s progress is causing concern, this may be characterised by progress which:
- is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
- fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
- fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
- widens the attainment gap
It can include progress in areas other than attainment – for instance where a child needs to make additional progress with wider development or social needs.
Broad areas of need as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2014)
These four broad areas give an overview of the range of needs that the school plans for and not to fit a child into a category. In practice, individual children or young people often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time.
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs
The purpose of identification is to work out what action the school needs to take, not to fit a child into a category. At St Peter’s the needs of the whole child will always be considered in this process.
How will you support my child?
If a learner is identified as having SEN, we will provide support that is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ the differentiated approaches and learning arrangements normally provided as part of high quality, personalised teaching’ intended to overcome the barrier to their learning.
When providing support that is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ we engage in a four–‐stage process: Assess, Plan, Do and Review.
– This involves taking into consideration all the information from discussions with parents or carers, the child, the class teacher and assessments.
– this stage identifies the barriers to learning, intended outcomes, and details what additional support will be provided to help overcome the barriers. Decisions will be recorded on a target sheet and will form the basis for termly review meetings, held as part of Parent/Children/Teacher Consultations.
– providing the support
– extra assistance for learning or learning aids
– as set out in the plan.
– measuring the impact of support provided, and considering whether changes to that support need to be made. All of those involved – learner, their parents or carer, teacher and SENCO contribute to this review. This stage then informs the next cycle
- Class teacher input, via targeted classroom quality first teaching
- That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
- That all teaching is built on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
- Specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCo) are in place to support your child to learn.
- Specific group work and Intervention
- This could be for reading comprehension, maths, writing, spelling or speech and language
- This will be delivered by a teacher or a learning support assistant (LSA) in the classroom or small group room.
- Specialist groups run by outside agencies, e.g. Speech and Language therapy
SEN Code of Practice 2014: School Support (SEN Support)
This means a pupil has been identified by the SENCo /class teacher as needing some extra specialist support in school from a professional outside the school.
This may be from;
- Local Authority Traded Services, such as the ASD Outreach Team, Specialist Support Team or Sensory Service (for students with a hearing or visual need).
- Outside agencies such as the Education Psychology Service (EPS).
Specified Individual support – Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
This type of support is available for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong. This is usually provided via an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This means your child will have been identified by professionals as needing a particularly high level of individual or small-group teaching.
This type of support is available for children with specific barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching and intervention groups (“Including All Children” documentation from LA).
Your child will also need specialist support in school from a professional outside the school. This may be from:
- Local Authority central services such as the ASD Outreach Team, Specialist Support or Sensory Service (for students with a hearing or visual need).
- Outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service, Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist.
Assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEND.
- How does the school know how effective its arrangements and provision for children with Special educational Needs are?
- Your child’s progress will be continually monitored by his/her class teacher and reviewed formally every half term in reading, writing and maths.
- At the end of each key stage (i.e. at the end of year 2 and year 6), all children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS).
- Where necessary, children will have an Pupil Passport based on targets set by class teachers specific to their needs.
- The progress of children with a statement of SEN/EHC Plan will be formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.
- The SENCo will also check that your child is making good progress within any individual work and in any group that they take part in.
- Regular book scrutinies and lesson observations will be carried out by the SENco and other members of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that the needs of all children are met and that the quality of teaching and learning is high.
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- Your child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher.
- His/her progress is reviewed formally every term and a National Curriculum level given in English and Maths.
- At the end of each key stage (i.e. at the end of year 2 and year 6) all children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS). This is something the government requires all schools to do and are the results that are published nationally.
- Children on our SEN register have an IEP (Individualised Education Programme) which is reviewed with your involvement, every term and the plan for the next term made.
- Parents will be asked to contribute towards these targets.
- The progress of children with a EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.
- The SENCo will also monitor that your child is making good progress
- Reinforcement of key skills at home is very useful in helping children with SEND to make progress
- The class teacher may suggest ways of supporting your child’s learning at parents’ evenings or if you are requested to attend an additional meeting.
- The Head of Teaching and Learning/SENCo may meet with you to discuss how to support your child. You may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss strategies to use if there are problems with your child’s behaviour/emotional needs.
- If outside agencies or the Educational Psychologist have been involved suggestions and programmes of study are normally provided that can be used or adapted for use at home.
What is your approach to individual learning?
- Teachers are skilled are skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse needs in each class.
- Class staff teams know the profile of their class and individual needs and learning activities are planned to match children’s learning needs.
- The environment is stimulating, supportive and well resourced. Wall and interactive displays provide prompts and reminders to encourage children to learn and achieve independently.
- Each class has some support from a Learning Support Assistant. If children have an Education, Health and Care Plan, there may be additional teaching assistance so that specialised support is available.
- Specialist staff also work with children as required
- Classes are well resourced and for children with additional needs, specialised equipment such as writing slopes, ear defenders, dyslexia or visual stress resources, radio aid systems can be arranged.
- We will ensure that all staff know and understand the needs of all pupils.
- All staff will have access to training, advice and resources to enable them to contribute to developing fully inclusive practice.
- All children with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) where observations and assessments are recorded when personalised IEP work takes place, this is used by anyone working with the child.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- Class Teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class, and will ensure that your child’s needs are met.
- Specially trained support staff can adapt the teachers planning to support the needs of your child where necessary.
- Specific resources and strategies will be used to support your child individually and in groups.
- Planning and teaching will be adapted on a daily basis if needed to meet your child’s learning needs.
How is the decision made about the type and how much support my child will need?
A child’s needs will be assessed using appropriate resources. Having assessed and identified barriers to learning, provision will be made for individuals. This information will be shared with staff, child and parents.
The outcome of any assessment will then determine the appropriate intervention to support the needs of this child;
Wave 1 – Universal intervention based on classroom support through quality first teaching and differentiation
Wave 2 – Identified additional short term support planned by teachers for small groups requiring intervention
Wave 3 – Targeted and Specialised support with specialist outside agency training or direct involvement where necessary
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips?
- Activities and school trips are available to all. We will provide the necessary support to ensure that this is successful, including residential trips.
- A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised, this included one to one support if deemed necessary.
- Parents/carers may be invited to accompany their child on a school trip if this ensures access.
How do you help to develop my child’s emotional and social development?
We recognise that some children have extra emotional and social needs that need to be developed and nurtured these needs can manifest themselves in a number of ways, including behavioural difficulties, anxiousness and being uncommunicative.
Support we can provide in school may include;
- Pastoral support
- PHSE, Circle time, social skills and friendship groups
- Positive behaviour programmes
- The class teacher has overall responsibility for the well-being of every child in their class. If you have any worries speak to the class teacher first.
- Nurture Groups
- ELSA, emotional literacy support sessions.
- Communication groups
How will I be able to raise any concerns I may have?
- If you are concerned about your child’s progress in school then initially please make an appointment with the class teacher.
- If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed and that your child is still not making progress you should speak to the SENCo and Headteacher, Mrs Banks.
- If you are still not happy you can speak to the school SEND Governor, Miss Glover.
What Specialist services are available?
At times it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies to receive more specialised
And expertise.
The agencies the school can access are:
- Autism Learning Support Team
- ADHD Solutions
- Behaviour Support form Oakfield Short Stay School
- Child Protection Advisors
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Educational Pyschologist
- Hearing Impaired Support
- Inclusion Team
- Occupational Therapist
- Parent Partnership
- Play Therapist
- Speech and Language Therapist
- School Nurse
- Specialist Teaching Service
- Speech and Language Therapist
How accessible is the school setting?
- 1 stair lift
- Ramps into school to make the building accessible for all
- Disabled toilet
How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
- These decisions are made in consultation with the class teacher and the senior leadership team. Decisions are based on termly tracking of your child’s progress and any assessments that have been carried out by outside agencies
- If there any concerns about your child’s lack of progress or well- being then intervention programmes will be put in place.
Who can I contact for further information?
Information and support for families can be accessed in the first instant by contacting the school directly via email on …………………… or by telephone on 01162 775750.
If parents have concerns of a pastoral nature or day to day issues they should contact their child’s teacher directly. If concerns are of a more educational basis or the concerns are about Special Educational Needs, parents should then contact the Headteacher/SENDCO Mrs A. Banks
The new SEND code of practice is available for downloading at
Up to date information about Leicestershire’s Local Educational Authorities Local Offer can be found at the following web address