Dear Parents,
We hope that you all continue to stay well and are finding the work and resources sent over the last half term helpful to support you and your family. To continue to ensure that we can keep you up to date we are going to send a short weekly newsletter every Friday. We urge you to read this as it will contain very important information about school.
This week we have welcomed into school four groups of key worker chil-dren with DFE guidance and social distancing in place to keep everyone safe. From Monday 8th June we are pleased to be welcoming back a small group of our EYFS children on a part time basis. This means that we are now at full capacity for the members of staff available. The deadline for key worker places (see letter of 21st May) has now passed and with regret I must make you aware that if you now need a key worker place we have had to implement a waiting list for places.
School continues to be a very different place and we look forward to when we can welcome all of our families back. Until then please be assured that we will continue to support with home learning, telephone calls, class emails and in any other way we can if requested