Dear Parents
A very warm welcome back to all of our pupils and families. I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable summer break and felt refreshed and ready to return to school. Our first few days have certainly been fantastic with smiling happy faces in new classes and everyone looking incredibly smart in new uniforms. Today we are pleased to be sending home a new Pupil Booklet which outlines our expectation in school. Staff are discussing this with pupils to help them make the right choices. It would be very helpful if you could read and talk about the school expectations with your child at home to support us ensure all children are able to achieve their best. Many thanks.
All the staff in school are looking forward to the new academic year, working in partnership with families and building on our hugely improved results and achievements so all of our pupils can achieve their potential.
Like last year myself or Mrs Adams will continue to be available on
Wednesday mornings 8.45 to 10 am for a drop in sessions for parents. Please do come in for a chat with us if you have any questions or concerns, we look forward to seeing you.
Alison Banks
Head Teacher