Dear Parents,
A very warm welcome back to all of our children and families. I hope that you have enjoyed a lovely Easter break which was helped by the amazing spring sunshine that we experienced. In school we all hope it will be an easier summer term than the last few months have been and we can all enjoy the more usual fun school events!
The Christian value that we are focusing on in our assemblies for the next few weeks is trust. This week the children have been learning that to trust someone means you believe that they tell you the truth and can be relied on, they won’t let you down. We considered how we could build trust by our actions. Next week will be thinking about who we can trust in school, at home and in the wider community.
We look forward to sharing more news about school life and events over the next few weeks including some exciting trips that teachers are planning, the year 5/6 residential plans and our school sports day.
Mrs Banks
Click here to reaD15. 29 April 2022