Dear Parents,
I hope that everyone has had some enjoyable times this week despite the stormy weather. Talking with children about 3 things they have enjoyed each day is a really positive way of supporting their well being.
We are busy in school currently preparing for the next academic year and are pleased to be letting children know who their new class teacher is today. Do also look out for another video on our website twitter feed next week where staff say a personal hello to their new pupils.
In addition, staff are pleased to be creating a summer challenge pack for all of our children. This will include lots of fun activities that you might like to try. I know that many of you have found lots of different helpful websites to use with your children during the lockdown period. If you have particular favourite please do e-mail them to the office by Friday 26th June and we will include them in our packs. This will help and support other families to try something new during the Summer break.
Finally, a reminder that we are here to help in any way that we can so please do get in touch if you would like to talk to a member of staff. If you are required to self isolate we are happy to deliver work packs and they continue to be available for everyone in the school foyer every day.
All best wishes.
Mrs Banks