Staffing— We will be saying sad goodbyes this half term to Mrs Eltham and
Mr Granger. Mrs Eltham has been a huge part of St Peter’s in a number of
roles over a long period. She is moving onto an exciting new career in the
prison service. We thank them both for their contribution to school and wish
them all the very best in the future.
School meal census— 6th October is a key day for all pupils to have a hot
school dinner. The amount of funding we receive is based on numbers this
day and the more pupils who have school dinner the more money we receive,
so important with very tight funding. Please support us by ensuring
your pupil has a hot dinner on this day even if they do not normally. Thank
Class Dojo points— To improve our liaison with parents and ensure you are
fully aware of your child’s behaviour each day we are introducing two new
changes this year. At the end of each day all children who have been “green
all day” will receive an additional dojo reward point. We will also record
yellow and red cards via dojo, staff will of course continue to feedback full
information on red card incidents verbally or by telephone at the end of the
Click here to read 2. 23rd September