Dear Parents,

How lovely it is to see lighter mornings and some tentative signs of spring arriving, it make us all feel brighter and there certainly is a lot to look forward to this term.

Next week, we have an author visit and on Thursday 16th there will be a theatre performance in school based around The Hobbit. On Friday 17th year 1 and 5 will enjoy a Fire service visit and the whole school will be taking part in a science day, full of extra enrichment activities focused on this subject.

In the final week of this half term we will of course been focusing on Easter, with our first every “sponsored bunny run”. Then as usual on the last Friday the whole school will attend our end of term service at church.

Just a reminder also that every Wednesday there is an open door session between 9-10am to see a member of the senior leadership team. If you have any questions or concerns , however big or small, please do come in and talk to one of us, we will do our very best to help.

Mrs Banks

Click here to read 12. 3rd March 2023