Hi all and Happy New Year,

From Spring onwards we have been slowly renovating our library. Our amazing WASPs raised £10,000 towards this, which we have used for new carpet, decorating and exciting new furniture. The library looks so much better, and we aren’t finished yet. We are now looking at how to make the walls even more reading-inspired for the children. I would just like to say a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the whole school community to WASPs for their work on this! They are incredible (and always happy to have new members…)

We had a really positive Governors meeting last week (we have vacancies if anyone is interested!) One of the points raised was linked to parental knowledge on E-Safety. Some parents had expressed concerns that they didn’t know enough about the topic. Therefore, please find below some links to good websites with lots of information.
As always, if you would like to speak to someone in school about this, please come to the office and Mrs Bray will direct you to the best person.

Mr B

Click here to read the newsletter 5 January